there still people international space station

Astronauts on the ISS Have Trouble With Work-Life Balance, Too.
The International Space Station is finally, officially complete | DVICE.
Do People live on the international space station? - Yahoo! UK.
NASA - President Obama Calls Discovery, Space Station Astronauts.
NASA solicits ideas for International Space Station research.
there still people international space station
The ISS After the Shuttle: Analysis - Popular Mechanics.Jan 29, 2013. NASA wants to know how you can improve the International Space Station. Some people get pretty grumpy when you ask: how many planets are in. There's still a TON of things we need to learn how to do in microgravity.
Sep 28, 2012. “There have been people participating so far, and are already off and running with it, but it's still possible to join in and make a submission for.
UFO Sightings At International Space Station On The Rise (And You.
Have you seen the ISS with your naked eyes?? | ISS Fan Club.
NASA ponders de-crewing the space station in November : Bad.
Aug 30, 2011. 2) The ISS currently has two Soyuz capsules docked to bring ... There is still no credible business plan requiring us to send people into space.
Of course that's why there are astronauts building the International Space Station right now. 4 years ago; Report Abuse. 0 Votes. 1 person.